Some folks would much prefer to send a memo or write a report over making an oral delivery of the same information. But think of the advantages you have when you’re in front of an audience.
When you present in person, your message cannot be dismissed with a quick scan.
Your report can’t get lost on someone’s desk.
It can’t get misfiled, stained with spilled coffee or thrown away.
Even if your written document does get read, it’s the reader who controls how and when its information is received.
When you make a live presentation, however, you control the delivery of information.
You are able to assess the audience’s level of understanding and modify your remarks instantly. You can repeat major points or skip over minor ones. You can invite questions to elaborate and clarify your key points. You can draw attention to complex data and help the audience navigate the subtleties of your topic.
When you present in person, you will know when your information is too much or too little.
You will know when to stop.
Now, how would you rather invest your time and energy reporting your work? In writing. Or in person?
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